Adrienne and Clayton

It all began on 09-14-19 these two met online. Very soon after meeting they both discovered that they had the same goals and ambitions in life, they were pretty much inseparable. On 03-28-2021 they got engaged. They knew that they wanted to live their lives together forever.

I really got to know Adrienne and Clayton the day I shot their engagement session. The first thing that I noticed from the two of them was how much in love they were with each other. They both smiled at each other constantly. The way that Clayton looked at Adrienne during their session was priceless. Fast forward to their wedding day;

05-07-2022 So many wonderful memories on this beautiful day…We arrive at the beautiful Henrekin Pines Venue. It was the first day of the year that actually looked like summer. There was not a cloud in the sky, the sun was so beautiful and very bright. I do remember that it was quite windy. Besides the wind I couldn't believe how perfect the weather was.

There are always those unplanned moments that are so special at a wedding. One moment that really stood out to me at this wedding was when the ring bear started to walk down the aisle, he broke down and started crying frantically. He literally froze and wouldn’t take another step. Me of course, I start taking pictures. The look on his face was priceless. Mother came to his rescue. There are always so many amazing moments that I term as a favorite during the weddings that I shoot at. One of my absolute favorite moments to photograph is the bride walking down the aisle for the first time and her soon to be husband takes his first look. Most photographers concentrate on the bride, but I put most of my effort into getting the grooms first look. At times it literally takes my breath away. That is exactly what happened the day Clayton saw Adrienne walking down the aisle for the first time. I remembered it because he gave her the same look that I saw that day on their engagement session approximately a year ago. She was about to become his wife.

Throughout the day I met some wonderful family and friends. Henrekin Pines Wedding Venue was as beautiful as ever! I recorded the day from morning to sunset. It was a 10 hour day and I enjoyed every minute of it. So many wonderful memories were made. I could go on and on…


We Were Published!!